A comprehensive visual identity for San Francisco-based technology start-up Transport Authority. The symbol is inspired by moving parts in a machine, clicking in to place as they line up, as well as the digital code that the forms suggest, further hinted at in the 16x16 grid that forms it. Type and colour are chosen for their timeless quality, giving a classic feel with deep green and mid blue, complemented by a de-saturated brown and a very light grey.
The lettering in the logo brings to mind steel-machined letters, with substance, slab serifs and subtle flourishes.
Though the symbol signals physicality and weight, it is used extremely freely as part of an extended graphic system, in which its forms are allowed to be stretched, pulled, combined and patterned.
Bespoke icons are designed on a 32x32 grid, and are used small as true icons, as well as large illustrations.
Naming: Letterhead