Advertising creative copy
Longer copywriting
Advertising concepts
Radio scripts

I led the copy and art direction on four national ad campaigns. In 2020 I was commissioned to deliver the first, including concept, copy, art direction and radio scripts.

The first campaign was inspired by confirmatory moments for a business, times of harmony when things seem to fall into place. Ultra-short headlines hint at a story revealed in long copy.

The strange davidjt84 is later understood to be a username in a story of the first 5-star review a business receives. Freelnacer, at first look a typo, leads to a tale about everything being triple-checked on a job submitted by a freelance writer. 

2021’s campaign presents the idea that, in insurance and life, amounts matter. Quantity-related terms ish, smidge, bit much, are employed as headlines, and altered objects form a visual punchline.

The 2022 campaign highlighted things that the industry is infamous for, with cryptically related images. In 2023 we focussed on value. The sign off right on the money emphasises being ‘right’ when it comes to money.

Headlines play with phrases to gain a new meaning. Full of surprises has a ‘no’ dropped in to instead mean fairness, while the casual More or less perfect, with punctuation added, becomes a line about customisation.

Day to day ads continued the tone for targetted campaigns, and partnerships with ESPN led to content and campaigns centred around cricket, a sport that over-indexes with finance leads.

Naming: Mike Scott
Copy: Letterhead, Mike Scott, Vince Borgerding
Concepts: Mike Scott
CMO: Mai Fenton

Radio ad script :“Recipe”

Many eggs, bunch of flour,
thing of milk.
Five butter, lots of sugar, some baking powder,
punch of zest.
Then curd, jam, cream.
Splash here.
Dash there.
Whip it, oven it.

(Not a cake.)

Get the right amount of everything, including
your business insurance.